Stara šola – natural values interpretation center



Get to know the natural values, specialties and rich history of Radeče municipality - in a center that combines and enforces sustainable principles and local natural heritage.

  • suitable for gropus
  • a tour of natural attractions and rich history in one place
  • access to natural values whose habitats are a secret dostop do naravnih vrednot, katerih rastišča so skrivnost
  • cave bears, the thickest tree in Slovenia ...

The Stara šola - natural values interpretation center was created as part of the Stara šola za nove ideje project and was renovated in 2019 at Jagnjenica near Radeče.

Get to know the unique natural values of the Radeče municipality

In the center, you can virtually experience natural values through film and learn about the rich history of the area. Primarily, of course, the natural features of the Radeče municipality

Did you know that mighty cave bears roamed these places millennia ago? Traces of that time are safely stored in the interpretation center. You can also find interesting things here, such as that Gašper's chestnut, the thickest home-grown chestnut and at the same time the thickest tree in Slovenia, reigns in the municipality of Radeška. Ste vedeli, da so se v teh krajih tisočletja nazaj sprehajali mogočni jamski medvedi? Sledi tistega časa so varno shranjene v interpretacijskem centru. Prav tako tu najdete zanimivosti kot je ta, da v radeški občini kraljuje Gašperjev kostanj, najdebelejši domači kostanj in obenem najdebelejše drevo v Sloveniji.

Center ponuja tudi možnost, da podrobneje spoznate nekatere naravne posebneže, ki so v svojem naravnem okolju tako redki in ogroženi, da so njihova rastišča skrivnost. S tem center pomembno doprinese k varovanju naravne dediščine ter k višanju čuta odgovornosti pri ravnanju z okoljem.

Pred vhodom v Interpretacijski center naravnih vrednot si je možno ogledati repliko gozdnega vozička, s katerim so nekoč iz gozdov Jatne v dolino po gozdni železnici spravljali les.


Stara šola - natural values interpretation center

Jagnjenica 15
1433 Radeče

03 56 87 941

Open upon prior arrangement with KTRC Radeče.